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SAS by Mark Mason

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Instructional DVD Included (english)

A Signed card Materializes in Between Two Kings!

A card is selected, signed and lost in any deck, two kings with joker sandwiched between them are shown placed to one side. Magician tries to find the selected card but fails.

The sandwiched packet is picked up and spread once again showing just 2 KINGS and a JOKER. Without any covering, counting, turning over etc, the JOKER VISUALLY starts to change!

Its hard to believe but it changes into the SIGNED SELECTION.
The spectator removes the selected card from the fan of 3 cards.
The remaining kings are freely shown both sides.

J.B.Magics latest effects now come complete with special gimmicks and A FULL STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONAL DVD.

The DVD has Mark's performance, explanation and a bonus section of ideas and handling tips.

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